Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Homosexual "Marriage"

I think one of the most misused phrases I have heard (along with the "choice") is the statement "I support homosexual rights." Lets examine this for a minute. When people say this I want to ask to further explain themselves. Some people have and say "Well gays should have the same rights as anyone else." Well, I would agree in theory. Gays are human beings and should be afforded the same rights as anyone. But what most people are talking about is gay marriage.

My answer to this is usually a smart-allec come back "Gays can marry a person of the opposite sex just like anyone else. But the problem is, what most people are saying is they believe we should re-define the definition of marriage to allow sodomites to marry. This is completely wrong and goes against all natural and God made laws. Marriage was not created by man. Marriage was instituted by God for the purpose of one man and one woman to be sacramentally united as one with God for the purpose of having children. As you can see this is naturally impossible in a homosexual relationship.

Some people would come back and say "God made me gay so why would a loving God want me to be without a wife or husband?" Well, I could debate whether God makes people attracted to the same sex but regardless, there are people out there who are attracted to underage children. I could make the argument that God made people pedophiles, but I don't hear anyone saying that pedophiles should be able to have their way with kids. Some may be offended that I compare homosexuals and pedophiles. But there is plenty of evidence that a large number of homosexuals are attracted to children of the same sex. All you have to do is look at the Church sex abuse scandal to see that. Most of the pedophile priests have been homosexuals and almost all the victims have been post pubescent boys. True pedophiles would be abusing pre-pubescent children of any gender...but mostly of the opposite sex.

I am not saying all homosexuals go after children but I will say that all homosexuals are gravely disordered, as are pedophiles. Now, the question is should the Church and society "normalize" a disorder by allowing sodomites to "marry." What about people who are attracted to farm animals? Should man be allowed to marry a cow or a horse? What about a person who is attracted to a family member? Should a son be allowed to marry his mother? Or should a sister and brother be allowed to marry?

Homosexuals should be treated with love and respect, but since homosexuality is a grave disorder, they shouldn't be made to believe their "relationship" is normal. It's not. Nor should the definition of marriage be changed to appease a group of sodomites who wish to force their disordered way of life on the rest of us.

We have an obligation and a duty as Catholics to say no to homosexual "marriage." We cannot change the definition of an institution like marriage which man didn't create to begin with.

God Bless You,


  1. You're fucking wrong, asshole. How'd you like me to tell you that you can't get married and spend the rest of your life with the one person you love the most? FUCK YOU.

  2. love wills the good for the other. by definition, that 'love' you speak of is not that, so it isn't true love. because sodomy is destructive of individuals and society at large. a

    if you truly loved the other, you wouldn't want to engage in a destructive and unnatural lifestyle with him.

  3. An anal fetish is not a normal, healthy, biologically sound practice. Hate to be graphic about it, but it's called 'nature,' people.

  4. Why do you use the word sodomite? I'm a sodomite. I'm a straight male who loves fucking his girlfriend in the ass; she gives me head, I eat her out, we're both cool. "Sodomy: sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation." (OED)

    "Nature" proves nothing. I hate when people pull out the nature card. Animals have anal sex all the time. Also there's plenty of nonheteronormative behavior in nature (meaning anything that’s not guy on girl): the intersexual white-trailed deer, hermaphroditic snails, gay penguins. If there are homosexual animals, what does "nature" really mean or prove?

    Read up before you make such rash statements. People will eat you alive in the real word.
