This week is Holy Week. Starting with Palm Sunday and culminating with the 3 most important days on the calendar. On Palm Sunday we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant journey into Jerusalem where he was treated as a King. But Our Lord knew this wasn't His purpose for making the journey to Jerusalem. In a few short days He would be beaten, spat upon, crucified and even his own Apostle, Peter, who was the Rock, would deny he even knew Jesus three times. He would be nailed to a tree and left to die. Then on Easter Sunday, Our Lord would win our redemption from sin and Hell by rising from the dead.
The first day of the Easter Triduum is called Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday. This is the celebration of the institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. After the Mass the Altar is stripped, the bells are silenced, and the Blessed Sacrament is removed from the tabernacle. Some places will have a period of adoration throughout the night or for a few hours after Mass. This is also the beginning of the Lord's passion.
Then on Good Friday, we spend the day meditating on the Lord's passion and death. Usually around 3pm the Mass of the Presanctified takes place. This day should be held in as much silence as possible, particularly from the hours of 1:00-3:00PM. We should spend time to consider all our sins and to have a true sorrow for the many times we have offended Our Lord and to consider all the pain and agony Our Lord went through because of our sins. The sorrow we feel for our sins should be used to relieve the agonies Our Lord felt on the first Good Friday.
Many people have asked why it's called "Good" Friday if it's the day Jesus died on the cross. The reason for this is simple, it's because on this day, on Good Friday, Our Lord took our sins upon the Cross and opened the door for us poor sinners to have a share in Heavenly glory. Jesus turned the worst evil in the history of the world, and turned it into the greatest good that ever happened to mankind.
On Holy Saturday we reflect and meditate on Christ resting in the tomb. It is another day to consider our sins and to draw up contrition and compunction for the many sins we commit against Our Lord. Then, after sunset, the greatest Mass of the entire year happens, the Easter Vigil.
The Easter Vigil starts with the blessing of the fire and water. There are many deeply impressive ceremonies during the Vigil Mass. It is a night of joyful expectation until the Alleluia proclaims the triumphant message of the Resurrection of Our Lord! This leads us into the glorious celebration of Easter in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Then on Easter Sunday the joyful cries of Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia are sounded and as Saint Gregory Nazianzen said, “On this day salvation is given to the world both visible and invisible. Christ is risen from the dead; arise ye with Him! Christ has resumed His Body; return to the state of happiness which you had forfeited. Christ has left the grave; break the bonds of your sins. The gates of Hell are broken down; death is vanquished; the old Adam is destroyed, and the new Adam formed; be ye made a new creature in Christ!”
In a word, Holy Week is the summation of our Faith. Without the passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we would have no hope of salvation. May the Almighty God grant you all a Blessed Holy Week and a Glorious Easter Sunday. God Bless you all.
Monday, March 29, 2010
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